Why Am I Having Contractions at 33 Weeks

Are you experiencing contractions at 33 weeks of pregnancy and wondering why? Don`t worry, you`re not alone. Contractions can occur at any time during pregnancy, but they can be particularly concerning when they occur before your due date. Here are some possible reasons why you might be having contractions at 33 weeks:

Braxton Hicks Contractions

Braxton Hicks contractions are also known as “practice contractions.” They are typically mild and irregular and can occur at any time during pregnancy. These contractions are a normal part of pregnancy and are the body`s way of preparing for labor. They can feel like a tightening or squeezing sensation in your abdomen. If you are experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions, it is important to stay hydrated and rest as much as possible.

Preterm Labor

Preterm labor is when contractions occur before 37 weeks of pregnancy. This can be a serious condition and requires medical attention. In addition to contractions, other symptoms of preterm labor can include vaginal bleeding, pelvic pressure, and a change in vaginal discharge. If you are experiencing preterm labor, you should notify your healthcare provider immediately.


Dehydration can cause contractions, as it can lead to an imbalance of electrolytes in the body. Make sure to stay hydrated throughout your pregnancy by drinking plenty of water. If you`re experiencing contractions, try drinking a glass of water and see if they subside.

Urinary Tract Infection

A urinary tract infection (UTI) can also cause contractions. If you`re experiencing painful or frequent urination, abdominal pain, or a fever, you may have a UTI. It is important to seek medical attention if you suspect you have a UTI, as it can lead to preterm labor if left untreated.

In conclusion, experiencing contractions at 33 weeks of pregnancy can be alarming, but there are several possible reasons for it. If you`re unsure why you`re having contractions, it`s important to speak with your healthcare provider. They can evaluate you and determine if there is any cause for concern. Remember to stay hydrated, rest as much as possible, and seek medical attention if you experience any concerning symptoms.